The 8 Hour Diet – Everything You Need To Know

The 8 hour diet is a form of intermittent fasting. It is based on setting an 8 hour window where food can be consumed, followed by a 16 hour period of fasting before the next eating window begins. Unlike the majority of diets that set strict rules and regulations on what to eat and how […]

South Beach Diet – A “Foolproof” Weight Loss Plan?

The South Beach Diet (also known as the modified carbohydrate diet) is a relatively modern addition to the long list of ever-growing diet techniques and programs now dominating the health and weight loss industry on a global scale. Created in 2003 by American cardiologist and celebrity Doctor, Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet in its current state is a weight […]

The Sirtfood Diet – Everything You Need to Know

One of latest diet crazes that everyone is talking about is the sirtfood diet, which is a diet rich in ‘sirtfoods’. According to creators of this diet, sirtfoods are special because they can activate specific proteins in the body called sirtuins. By doing so, combined with eating fewer calories, the creators claim that it will […]

What Is Reverse Dieting & How Does It Work?

Although some diets are successful at reducing bodyweight in the short-term, it is very rare for a diet to maintain weight loss in the long-term. In general, only lifestyle intervention strategies are properly able to produce sustainable results. This is because weight loss and energy restriction results in a number of metabolic adaptations aimed at […]

The Raw Food Diet (Rawism) – Everything You Need To Know

Raw food diets consist exclusively of uncooked and unprocessed plant-foods. The bulk of the diet is therefore made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, as well as sprouted beans, grains, and legumes. Depending on someone’s definition of ‘processed’, foods such as vegetable juices, nut milks, and fermented foods may be included. Some variations of the […]

Pescatarian Diet – Everything You Need To Know

With the continued rise of veganism, diets like the pescatarian diet are being slightly left behind. There was a time when the pescatarian diet was just seen as a variation of vegetarianism, but now it is seen by many vegetarians and vegans as non-vegetarian. But what exactly is the pescatarian diet, and how effective is […]

The Paleo Diet – Can You Really Burn Fat Eating Like A Caveman?

The concept of the Paleo diet started in the 1970s, and its popularity rose dramatically after a Paleo diet book was released in 2002 by Loren Cordain – a nutrition and exercise physiologist. The Paleo Diet revolves around replicating the eating behaviors that took place during the Palaeolithic or “Old Stone Age” era, approximately 2.5 million years ago. As […]

The Ornish Diet – Everything You Need to Know

The ornish diet is recommended by many doctors and nutritionists, especially to patients needing to lose weight or prevent cardiovascular issues (it was even once endorsed by Bill Clinton!). The diet was created by Dean Ornish, a medical doctor and professor at the University of California, who founded the Preventive Medicine Research Institute around 25 […]

The Main Benefits of Omega 3-6-9

Omega 3-6-9 supplements contain a mixture of three separate types of fatty acids; omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. Each of these fatty acids have their own unique metabolic functions and impact on health. Although these fatty acids are present within foods, they are becoming increasingly popular to supplement with to ensure an adequate intake. The Potential […]

Nutrim Benefits, Side Effects & Safety Information

Nutrim is a product created by the US Drug Administration which consists of an oat bran fiber called ß-glucan. To make this supplement, manufacturers have to release the oat beta glucan from the bran portion of oats – the outer fibrous layer which is concentrated in fiber. The product is meant to be a convenient […]